Rangers In The Community (RITC) is a community service program of the Northwestern Alumni Board and the Northwestern Foundation & Alumni Association. RITC brings together the Northwestern Oklahoma State University family – students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends – and the selected community in a volunteer service project, benefitting the residents of that specific community.
This year, Alva is the chosen community for the project. Along with with the Alva Chamber of Commerce, the NWOSU Foundation & Alumni Association is sponsoring this downtown clean-up event this Saturday from 9AM-2PM. NWOSU students, staff & faculty, and Alva area residents are invited to help volunteer downtown to clean up the Alva Square in preparation for NWOSU Homecoming! We will be painting crosswalks, cleaning windows, and sweeping up the sidewalks.
Sign up, earn a free tee shirt, and spend a day with your friends supporting this important cause!